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Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration

Besides the great comfort during your stay, another important focus is the safety of everyone. This is especially essential during this COVID-19 outbreak.

Our 4 resorts under the Santhiya Resorts & Spas Group at Koh Yao Yai, Koh Phangan and Koh Chang, and Phuket Natai have been certified by the SHA (Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration). This is a significant collaborative project involving the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Ministry of Public Health, Department of Disease Control, Department of Health, Department of Health Service Support and other relevant stakeholders. Their aim is to bring public safety measures, together with quality service standards, to the establishment. This is undertaken to ensure all tourists will benefit from great experiences, while still maintaining strict hygiene safety standards from products and services in Thailand.

Furthermore, our 133 staff members at Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort & Spa, Santhiya Phuket Natai Resort & Spa and our subsidiary company Vecay Phuket, have all been completely vaccinated with Sinovac Covid-19. This was undertaken at Koh Yao Hospital, Takua Thung Hospital and Phuket International Airport respectively, on Friday April 30th, 2021.

With these safety standards, Santhiya Resorts & Spas is considered a safe travel destination. You and your loved ones can relax with great enjoyment and a peace of mind, at our seaside Thai-style resort.