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In-room Dining

Private dining is available for special celebrations or simply enjoying the moment when inspired by the calming sounds of nature and exquisite ocean views.

Menu: Authentic European Cuisine / Authentic Thai Cuisine
Opening Hours: 07.30 Hrs. -23.00 Hrs.
Late Night Room Service (Limited Menu): 22.30 Hrs. -07.00 Hrs


    Hours: 07.30 Hrs. to 22.30 Hrs.

    Late Night Room Service: 23.00 Hrs. to 07.00 Hrs.


    Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort & Spa
    Tel: +66 (0) 7659 2888
    Email: info.syy@santhiya.com

Menu: Authentic European Cuisine/ Authentic Thai Cuisine