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Black Giant Squirrel

Common name: Black Giant Squirrel

Science name: Ratufa bicolor

Features: Black Giant Squirrel is a large squirrel with dark brown fur on its head and back, while the underpart fur is beige or orange color. Its long tail is black. The whiskers are long and black. The parts around its eyes are black. There are two dark spots on its chin. The claws are very sharp.

Habitats: Black Giant Squirrels can be found in many countries: Nepal, Assam, Burma, Southern China, Hainan Island, Indochina, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, and Bali. In Thailand, they can be found in Southern Thailand: Trang Province, Koh Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Kanchanaburi Province and Chanthaburi Province. Southern Thai people call them “Pa-maew.” They live in dry evergreen and mixed deciduous forest.

Behavior: Black Giant Squirrels usually eat at daytime, though can’t be seen easily. They live in evergreen forest. They are fast, living on the tall trees, occasionally squeaking at people or other animals, and usually living alone.

Diet: They mainly eat fruits, insects and bird eggs.

Sighting Opportunities in Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort & Spa: Commonly found throughout the resort, especially near Ayurvana Spa (frequent nesting areas)

Time of Sightings: All day