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Dusky Langur

Common name: Dusky Langur or Dusky Leaf Monkey

Science name: Trachypithecus obscurus

Features: Dusky langur usually has dark grey fur with black hands and feet. Its face is usually dark shades of grey. The areas around the eyes are white, as if it is wearing glasses.

Habitats: Dusky langur can be seen at forests, mountains and coastal forests in Burma, Malaysia and southern Thailand, especially the Malay Peninsula and nearby islands.

Behavior: Dusky langurs are diurnal and often hide behind tall trees to watch for intruders. They also have a complex vocalization system.

Diet: Dusky langurs’ main diet consists of leaves, tree shoots, and seeds, and sometimes insects.

Sighting Opportunities in Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort & Spa: Main Pool

Time of Sightings: 05:30 – 07:00 AM