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Luxury Traditional Thai Massage to fulfill your relaxation for all the senses of ‘Sight’ with our striking traditional Thai style property decorated with golden teakwood, ‘Smell’ with unique fragrant aromatic oils from tropical herbs and flowers, ‘Sound’ with friendly greeting from sea breeze and island birds, and ‘Touch’ with the deep treatment provided by our professional massager to recharge positive energy to your mind and body.

A fee for Outside Guests to use the Spa: THB 700++ / Time (The spa programs are excluded)

Opening Time: Daily from 08.00 – 17.00 Hrs.

Both of In-house and Outside guests are welcome.



    Opening Time: Daily from 08.00 - 17.00 Hrs.


    Santhiya Phuket Natai Resort & Spa
    Tel: +66 (0) 7667 1888
    Email: info.snt@santhiya.com