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Santhiya Resorts & Spas and our properties perceive that using resources in hospitality or service business with less aware of sustainable development can generate a huge impact on the environment due to a number of waste hotels create. Non-renewable resources such as natural gas, petrol, or coal are admitted to be running out caused by the demand for energy rises. Meanwhile, the implementation and use of renewable and non-renewable resources require the management of ecologically oriented to approach modern ecological standards. Located on the island, Santhiya Phuket Natai Resort & Spa has limited supply of water and other resources, as a result, many “green” projects are created and developed at Santhiya Phuket Natai Resort & Spa to approach and achieve the goal of sustainable development with the ecologically-oriented application.


Farm To Table is an idea to plant organic vegetable garden in order to serve our valued guests with healthy and delectable dishes from fresh and green ingredients where rich sources of nutrients exist.

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Santhiya Phuket Natai Resort & Spa adheres to the concept of sustainable economy which has evolved in supporting local products and homegrown people.

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